Rest Regardless of Restless Circumstances

I have been thinking about rest recently.  Having contracted Covid-19 around Thanksgiving, the fatigue that seems to last well past other symptoms has  motivated me to seek physical rest.  However, the unrest that is spews from the news and social media outlets, has...
Let Every Breath

Let Every Breath

I have been thinking a lot about breathing recently.  I don’t think I’m alone in this.  In fact, the civil unrest that our country has experienced was spurred on by “I can’t breathe.”  The COVID-19 pandemic often impacts a person’s ability to breath.  The mask debate...

Odd and Unexpected Gifts

Recently while playing basketball with a group of students and staff I experienced an injury. In the midst of certainly one of the most beautiful lay ups of that day, I found myself crashing down on my ankle. As if my life slowed down for that brief moment I could see...

Learning to Love: Problem People

Wounds. Unless they are physical, we often don’t see wounds in other people. What we do see is the negative expressions that are effects of the internal presence of their wounds. For a hypothetical example, maybe my dad was verbally abusive, could never find anything...

Why ABC?

A philosophy professor announced to his students that the final essay exam for his Introduction to Philosophy class would be comprehensive.  The students spent hours going over the Socratic method and Plato’s forms.  They tired their brains on epistemological and...