Alaska Bible College

Student life

Transform Your life with Us

Becoming servants who lead with christlike character



“I love the culture and community here at ABC. I’m very glad I came.”

Student Government

The student government exists to improve the overall experience of all students of Alaska Bible College. Officers and representatives plan activities, student-led chapels, service projects, ministry outreach, and are the voice of the student body to the administration.


Alaska Bible College’s Photography Club, the Snapshots, meet once a week to explore themes in photography and sharpen their skills. We have members with varying skill and equipment levels, from seasoned photographers with SLR’s to those who have recently found joy in taking snapshots with their phones. Our goals are all similar- to share our lives and stories through photos.

Ratio Christi
Creative Writing

The Writer’s Appreciation Club (W.A.C.) was formed to encourage lasting creativity among both students and staff at ABC. As a creative community, we meet every other week to discuss story elements and share our ideas and what we have been writing. To bring fun activities to the entire school, W.A.C. holds competitions each semester for all to enter. All are welcome to W.A.C., and we look forward to writing with you all.

NON-traditional students

You Belong
